martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Consonant Clusters


A consonant cluster is a group or sequence of consonants that appear together in a syllable without a vowel between them.
It is important to distinguish between consonant clusters and digraphs with which they are often confused. In contrast to a consonant cluster, a digraph is a group of two or more symbols which really stand for just one sound (usually a consonant).
In the word chat, the letters c and h appear contiguously but are not a consonant cluster, even though both are separate consonants in other contexts (cat; hat). In this instance, ch is a digraph because the ch sequence represents a single sound in the underlying English sound system.
Here are some examples of consonant clusters:
  • \sp\ and \ts\ in the word spots
  • \spr\ in the word spray
2.Which is the longest consonant cluster in English?
In English, the longest possible initial cluster is three consonants, as in split /ˈsplɪt/ and strudel /ˈʃtruːdəl/, all beginning with /s/ or /ʃ/ and ending with /l/ or /r/;[3] the longest possible final cluster is five consonants, as in angsts /ˈæŋksts/, though that is rare and four, as in twelfths /ˈtwɛlfθs/, sixths /ˈsɪksθs/, bursts /ˈbɜrsts/ and glimpsed /ˈɡlɪmpst/, is more common.


1) nymph: Greek & Roman Mythology Any of numerous minor deities represented as beautiful maidens inhabiting and sometimes personifying features of nature such as trees, waters, and mountains. Consonant Cluster: mph

2)Chintzed:  Of, relating to, or decorated with chintz. Consonant Cluster: ntst

3)milked:To draw milk from the teat or udder of (a female mammal). Consonant Cluster: lkt

4)friends:A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. Consonant Cluster: ndz

5)midst:The middle position or part; the center Consonant Cluster: tst

6)health: The overall condition of an organism at a given time. Consonant Cluster:

7)mulcts: A penalty such as a fine. Consonant Cluster: lkts

8) kilned:Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics. Consonant Cluster: lnd

9)betrothed: Engaged to be married. Consonant Cluster:ðd

10)hundreths:The cardinal number between 100 and 999 Consonant Cluster: tθs

I can learn in this classes about Consonant Cluster because I don't haven't idea about this, I also learn that We have to be carefully for distinguish between consonant clusters and digraphs with which they are often confused. the consonant clusters are a group of consonants with out vowel between they.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

My Fisrt Post!

What I know about Blogs…

What I want to know about blogs…

What I learnt about blogs…

the blogs are a tool for the internet where you can write and post text about something and you can share the contents with other people
Maybe I want to learn how to do a blog and I want to know how I can use all the tools for the blogs and also how I can Design my own blog about a specific topic that I choose.
I can be learn about blogs that are very useful and are free, I can use the blogs like an important tool to work in class and develop everything that I want.

4.The blogs are an interesting tool in the web for write everything you want about a specific topic, in the blogs you can post news or whatever you want all day and this information can be useful to other bloggers or every people.