martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

My Fisrt Post!

What I know about Blogs…

What I want to know about blogs…

What I learnt about blogs…

the blogs are a tool for the internet where you can write and post text about something and you can share the contents with other people
Maybe I want to learn how to do a blog and I want to know how I can use all the tools for the blogs and also how I can Design my own blog about a specific topic that I choose.
I can be learn about blogs that are very useful and are free, I can use the blogs like an important tool to work in class and develop everything that I want.

4.The blogs are an interesting tool in the web for write everything you want about a specific topic, in the blogs you can post news or whatever you want all day and this information can be useful to other bloggers or every people.

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