martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Minimal Pairs.

  • What are minimal pairs?
The minimal pairs means when two words differ in only one sound or phoneme, these are used to show that two sounds contrast in a language. for example sip and zip, or hid and hit

  • Why do you think minimal pairs are important?
I think that minimal pairs are importan for the correct pronunciation of words, also is important when we talk with other people because if we don`t pronounce in the correct way all the phonemes the other people may understand to us a different thing that we say. Is important for the meaning and concordance of the phrases and sentences.

6. Pair one: Now-Know

They are here now!

You know what it means.

Pair two: Suck-sock

The puppy sucks his milk

I lose my left sock!

Pair three: Red-read

My suit is red

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