martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Minimal Pairs.

  • What are minimal pairs?
The minimal pairs means when two words differ in only one sound or phoneme, these are used to show that two sounds contrast in a language. for example sip and zip, or hid and hit

  • Why do you think minimal pairs are important?
I think that minimal pairs are importan for the correct pronunciation of words, also is important when we talk with other people because if we don`t pronounce in the correct way all the phonemes the other people may understand to us a different thing that we say. Is important for the meaning and concordance of the phrases and sentences.

6. Pair one: Now-Know

They are here now!

You know what it means.

Pair two: Suck-sock

The puppy sucks his milk

I lose my left sock!

Pair three: Red-read

My suit is red

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


What I know about Long and Short Vowel Sounds…

What I want to know about Long and Short Vowel Sounds…

What I learned about Long and Short Vowel Sounds…
The short vowel sounds usually appears when the word is short and the vowel is between two consonants.

The long vowel sounds appears when the word usually is long and when the words finish with “e”.
I want to know about the exceptions when appears two vowels together and we pronounce both, for example FRIEND.
I learned about the short and long vowel sound thath the long sounds appear when at the end of the word apears an e.

  • Put these words in the correct column and fill in the chart as the example (rip, ripe).
 Stop, lad, mud, stain, smile, bone, pie, mule, stay, pray, lid, mug, cat, rule, load, pill, still, bug, bite, sun, pig, boat.

A fan tried to RIP his pants in a concert.
A fully ripe apple stays white in the inside.
We STOP in the town for drink something
I spill the wine over me and now I have a big STAIN in my pants.
This LAD belongs to thE football team
You should SMILE and be friendly with the people.
I love play rugby in the MUD
My dog usually hides his BONE.
I lost the soda’s LID when the car breaks.
When I was my birthday my mom prepared for my big and delicious PIE.
I wish a MUG of orange’s juice.
The principal symbol of the Colombian coffee is Juan Valdez and his MULE called Conchita.
The most famous CAT is Felix.
You can STAY here the time that you want.
Some scientist has been tried to develop the PILL for cure the virus
Some people pray when they are in troubles.
The government tries to STILL the voice of the people.
The students must obey the RULES

That kind of things  bugs me
My internet  it’s so slow that I can`t load any file or photography for my facebook.
The SUN doesn’t appear today.
This Dog tries to BIT me!
The pigs love play in the mud
Susana feel so scared when we surf in the BOAT.

Short Vowels




martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Consonant Clusters


A consonant cluster is a group or sequence of consonants that appear together in a syllable without a vowel between them.
It is important to distinguish between consonant clusters and digraphs with which they are often confused. In contrast to a consonant cluster, a digraph is a group of two or more symbols which really stand for just one sound (usually a consonant).
In the word chat, the letters c and h appear contiguously but are not a consonant cluster, even though both are separate consonants in other contexts (cat; hat). In this instance, ch is a digraph because the ch sequence represents a single sound in the underlying English sound system.
Here are some examples of consonant clusters:
  • \sp\ and \ts\ in the word spots
  • \spr\ in the word spray
2.Which is the longest consonant cluster in English?
In English, the longest possible initial cluster is three consonants, as in split /ˈsplɪt/ and strudel /ˈʃtruːdəl/, all beginning with /s/ or /ʃ/ and ending with /l/ or /r/;[3] the longest possible final cluster is five consonants, as in angsts /ˈæŋksts/, though that is rare and four, as in twelfths /ˈtwɛlfθs/, sixths /ˈsɪksθs/, bursts /ˈbɜrsts/ and glimpsed /ˈɡlɪmpst/, is more common.


1) nymph: Greek & Roman Mythology Any of numerous minor deities represented as beautiful maidens inhabiting and sometimes personifying features of nature such as trees, waters, and mountains. Consonant Cluster: mph

2)Chintzed:  Of, relating to, or decorated with chintz. Consonant Cluster: ntst

3)milked:To draw milk from the teat or udder of (a female mammal). Consonant Cluster: lkt

4)friends:A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. Consonant Cluster: ndz

5)midst:The middle position or part; the center Consonant Cluster: tst

6)health: The overall condition of an organism at a given time. Consonant Cluster:

7)mulcts: A penalty such as a fine. Consonant Cluster: lkts

8) kilned:Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics. Consonant Cluster: lnd

9)betrothed: Engaged to be married. Consonant Cluster:ðd

10)hundreths:The cardinal number between 100 and 999 Consonant Cluster: tθs

I can learn in this classes about Consonant Cluster because I don't haven't idea about this, I also learn that We have to be carefully for distinguish between consonant clusters and digraphs with which they are often confused. the consonant clusters are a group of consonants with out vowel between they.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

My Fisrt Post!

What I know about Blogs…

What I want to know about blogs…

What I learnt about blogs…

the blogs are a tool for the internet where you can write and post text about something and you can share the contents with other people
Maybe I want to learn how to do a blog and I want to know how I can use all the tools for the blogs and also how I can Design my own blog about a specific topic that I choose.
I can be learn about blogs that are very useful and are free, I can use the blogs like an important tool to work in class and develop everything that I want.

4.The blogs are an interesting tool in the web for write everything you want about a specific topic, in the blogs you can post news or whatever you want all day and this information can be useful to other bloggers or every people.